We have received the wonderful news that the Summer Feeding Program will continue this summer! The dates are June 8 – August 14, closed June 29 – July 3. The times will be 11:00am – 12:00pm at Park Elementary and 11:15am – 12:15pm at Hutchinson Middle School.
Volunteering duties will look a little different this year. Shifts will only be twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays and will last one hour. Volunteers will report to kitchen staff and be directed outside to help hand out already packaged meals to families when they arrive. You will need to supply your own mask but gloves and hand sanitizer will be provided.
If you or your workplace is interested in volunteering please contact me at this email [email protected] or by phone/text at 320-583-9929 and we’ll get you on our calendar. Thank you so much for your past help and consideration!
Jen Wicklund