Admission to the CRALC Program is based on meeting one or more of the following requirements:
- Applicant has performed substantially below the performance level for pupils of the same age in a locally determined achievement test.
- Applicant is behind in satisfactorily completing coursework or obtaining credits for graduation.
- Applicant is pregnant or is a parent.
- Applicant has been assessed as chemically dependent.
- Applicant has been excluded or expelled.
- Applicant has been a victim of physical or sexual abuse.
- Applicant has experienced mental health problems.
- Applicant has been homeless sometime in the past six (6) months before requesting a transfer to an eligible program.
- Applicant has limited English proficiency or speaks English as a second language.
- Applicant is being referred by a school district for enrollment in an eligible program.
- Applicant has been chronically truant or has withdrawn from school.
- Applicant is being treated in a hospital in the seven-county metropolitan area for cancer or other life threatening illness or is the sibling of an eligible pupil who is being currently treated, and resides with the pupil’s family at least 60 miles beyond the outside boundary of the seven-county metropolitan area.