Celebrate American Education Week
and Public Schools
By Dawn Holtz, Education Hutchinson President
November 14 – 18 will mark the 95th annual observation of American Education Week. The AEW tagline, “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility,” highlights the importance of bringing together educators, parents, students and communities in a unified effort to build great public schools.
Today’s teachers, education support professionals and substitute teachers do more than teach basic skills. They nurture and inspire children despite obstacles. They help students learn essential skills not always measured in testing, such as critical thinking, conflict resolution, cooperation and problem solving, which helps students throughout their lives. These people are valuable assets to our schools and community.
I invite you to visit our schools to see amazing educators and students in action and learn how you can become more involved. Ask how you can contribute to a child’s success. We’ll be glad to speak with you and find opportunities for your involvement.
We are proud to make a difference in the lives of your children by being an essential partner in their education. Let’s take time to celebrate all of our work on their behalf.