Individual Counseling
Students are referred to the Counselor’s Office for Individual Counseling by parent, teacher, or school staff. These students meet one-on-one to talk about special topics, help identify and express feelings, and help to develop positive attitudes toward self, family, and the school community. Special topics could include: family stress, friendship problems, self esteem or other student concerns.
At West Elementary, we are always “active” when we talk. The use of play dough, puppets, crayons, games, and books is crucial when working with students.
As a School Counselor, if a child shares a concern about harming him or herself or others, or child abuse or neglect, I am mandated by the State to report this to the McLeod County Social Services.
Group Counseling
These groups are not therapy, but are supportive and educational. The groups meet 20 minutes during the regular school day for six weeks. Students get referred to groups by teachers or parents. A parent permission slip is required to be in group. Groups are offered at different times of the year based on need.
Friendship Bees
This group will practice social skills while learning what it means to be a good friend. Students who participate will learn cooperation through games, stories on friendship, and other activities.
Family Change
This group is designed to provide support for students coping with their parent’s divorce or separation by identifying and discussing feelings surrounding family change.
This group is a conflict resolution group that empowers students to keep the peace in all situations. In this group children will learn different strategies for working out their differences and what to do when they are frustrated.
School of Champions
Study skills group-this group will focus on doing your best, listening, using time wisely (organizational skills), working together, and test taking skills. This group will focus on study skills and will not be a tutor time or time to do extra work.
Smile Group
This group is for students who have a loved one that is struggling with an Alcohol/Drug Addiction. Students will discuss feelings surrounding the addiction and learn skills to cope.
Parenting Classes
Dr. Dave and Erin Walsh
An online parenting class with Dr. Dave and Erin Walsh.
Self-Discipline is twice as strong a predictor as academic success as intelligence. Yet how do we foster it in our kids?
This content-rich class will help you answer important parenting questions like:
- How do I set meaningful limits and consequences?
- How do I avoid power struggles?
- What is my parenting style?
- How do I boost my child’s self-esteem?
- How do I help my child succeed in school?
- How can we create a more calm and happy home life?
Becoming a Love and Logic Parent
Parenting Program that is designed to give you practical skills that can be used immediately!
The Becoming a Love and Logic Parent Class will answer questions such as:
- “How do I get my children out of bed in time to catch the school bus?”
- “How do I get my children to help with the chores without an argument?”
- “How do I get him to stop whining at dinner?”
- and many other day-to-day parenting challenges…
The Becoming a Love and Logic Parent training program was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster Cline, M.D., of the Love and Logic Institue, Inc., in Golden, Colorado.
Counselors Corner

Jessica Bouta, Teacher, Counselor
West Elementary
Email Jessica