Section 504 – Rehabilitation Act of 1973
What is Section 504?
Section 504 is a federal civil rights law which protects the rights of persons with qualifying disabilities. It requires that recipients of federal funds make their programs and activities accessible to all persons with disabilities that interfere with major life activities such as: caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating and working.
If there is reason to believe that, because of a qualifying disability, a student needs accommodations, the school district will review the student’s information and develop and implement an accommodation plan.
Only when the disability substantially limits the student in a major life activity are they considered eligible under Section 504 for accommodations.
The type of information reviewed includes but is not limited to:
- Grades
- Teacher reports
- Test scores
- Medical and/or psychological evaluations
- Parent information
School Contacts
Each school building has a coordinator for students who have a need under 504. If you have concerns about your child’s education or access to education because of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, or have questions about Section 504, you can contact the following people:
West Elementary
Park Elementary
Hutchinson Middle School
Hutchinson High School
David Ellefson
Counseling students last name starting with A – Ha.
Chanda Kropp
Counseling students last name starting with He – Pa.