Title 1
The Hutchinson elementary schools have a tiered system of academic support for students needing additional time and support to learn critical reading and math skills. This support is the result of a coordinated effort among the various resources available to our school including our district’s general budget, and state and federal dollars we receive, which are determined by the number of students receiving free/reduced lunch, the number receiving English as a second language services, and those receiving Special Education services.
Title 1 is an important revenue source for this system. Core instruction in literacy and math is supported with additional paraprofessionals in the classroom. Additionally, eligible students receive one or more interventions specific to their needs during the school day.
One of our district’s Core Values is All Students Learn. We are working hard to ensure that all of our students will learn and become proficient in reading and math by designing literacy and math instruction suited to each child.
- 2024-2025 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan [DOC]
- Título I Compromiso de los Papas y Familia Plan del Distrito [DOC]
- Hutchinson Specialized Services – Title I and ADSIS) [GSLIDES]
West Elementary
Bailey Rettmann, Principal
Tiger Elementary
Jennifer Mahan-Deitte, Principal
Park Elementary
Dan Olberg, Principal
Michael Scott, Director of Teaching and Learning
What is Title 1?
Title I is a federally funded program designed to assist students below grade level in reading and math. The amount of funding is based on the number of students who qualify for free and reduced-price lunch. All Title I services and programming are supplemental to the regular classroom core instruction.
Student Eligibility for Title 1 Services
Screening measures, conducted three times each year, indicate if students have or have not acquired grade level reading skills. If expected skills are not established, we engage in a decision making process that includes the collection of additional assessment data to determine student needs and level of participation. Subsequently, student growth is monitored throughout the learning process.
What kind of assistance is provided?
Title I services are provided by licensed staff and non-licensed staff. All Title I staff are trained in a variety of research-based instructional methods to best meet the needs of individual students. Students may be seen individually or in small groups. Specific skill areas are targeted, depending on students’ needs. This support is in addition to the instruction students receive in the general education classroom. Students do not miss regular classroom core instruction to participate in Title I services.
Parent’s Right to Know
- Parents have the right to request information about the qualifications of their child’s teacher.
- Parents have the right to be informed if their child’s teacher is being taught for more than four consecutive weeks by a teacher not licensed in the area of instruction.
- Parents have the right to see progress reports for their child and school.
- Parents have the right to decide if the school is meeting their child’s needs and offer suggestions for improvement.
Parental Involvement
There are several ways parents can become involved in both your child’s school and the Title 1 program. These include serving as a Title 1 parent representative, participating in an annual meeting, and attending conferences and open houses at your child’s school. Parents are considered important partners in the Title 1 program.