The Hutchinson Middle and High School will be transitioning from the in-person learning model to the hybrid learning model starting on Monday, November 9 (A-Day, student day). Please follow the hybrid schedule (click here for hybrid calendar). This transition is necessary due to the recent COVID-19 outbreaks in our community. In the past week, our student body has been impacted through gatherings outside the school day. On Friday, November 6, middle school and high school students will not have school, as this day will be designated as a professional development day for secondary staff to prepare for the transition to hybrid learning. Elementary students will have a regular school day on Friday, November 6.
The District has not seen the same COVID-19 case rate impacts with elementary students. Elementary schools will remain in the in-person learning model for the time being. However, if we see increases in elementary age children we may be forced to transition to hybrid and/or distant learning.
We will continue to closely monitor the county level and community COVID-19 case rates and the implementation of our safety plan. Our first priority continues to be keeping our students and staff safe and healthy.
It is critical to screen your children before they leave for school each day and if they are exhibiting symptoms, please keep them home.
This virus moves and spreads quickly, which requires us to change and transition at the same rate. I apologize for the short notice and the hardship this may place on your family. The District wants all of our students back in school and will do so when it is safe and appropriate to make this change. Please continue your efforts in supporting social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing. The District appreciates your support and partnership.