A small group of Hutchinson Public School supporters started the ISD 423 School Foundation in 2008. Since that time, the endowment fund has grown, due to the generous contributions from members of our community and staff members of Hutchinson Public Schools. The Foundation endowment fund, or the “Tiger Fund,” is designed to give 5% of its annual earnings in grants.
The ISD 423 School Foundation works to enable and motivate students and teachers by providing financial assistance to support innovative and creative classroom programs, projects and activities throughout Hutchinson Public Schools. The Foundation Board is excited to award its second year of grants. The Board’s goal was to award a total of $3,000 in grants. Because of a private donation, a total of $4,000 was granted. The ISD 423 School Foundation Board of Directors look forward to the positive impact these grants will have on the lives of our students.
Click Here to View the 2015-2016 Grant Recipients
The ISD 423 School Foundation Board of Directors would like to express their sincere gratitude for those of you that have contributed to the endowment fund, making these grants possible tonight. If you have not given to the endowment fund in the past, please consider making a contribution, so next year at this time, we will be able to do that much more for the children of our community. Thank you!